Why We Invested In Decubate

MV Global
4 min readJun 11, 2021


Master Ventures is proud to announce our investment in Decubate: a community-powered investment platform for blockchain projects.

Master Ventures’ investment philosophy is simple: to enable a better future for the entire human race through the blockchain. It’s why we invest in projects that can truly revolutionize not only the industry but how the financial system works as a whole. We strongly believe in every business we invest in, and lend our know-how to develop them further, help them grow, and prepare them for potential mass adoption.

Decubate Elevates Blockchain’s Startup Game

The cryptocurrency bull run of 2021 has attracted a number of projects with unique ideas as well as the investment to support them. As a result, incubators and launchpads have sprung up in droves, competing for the same pool of projects.

The problem? There has been a significant dip in the quality of startups; most without a product, a mission, or long-term goals which has led investors, who are funding the future of web3, to become increasingly wary of championing them.

Decubate’s solution is to nurture new projects before they hit a launchpad by tapping into the financial power and promotional support of the crowd — becoming a trusted stepping stone for promising startups to improve their chances for success. Their vision is for Decubate to function as a ‘Global Stamp of Approval’ for projects which will increase investor confidence and trust to confidently deploy capital.

Decubate caught our eye because of its solid long-term plan and unique offerings.

First, Decubate has differentiated project deal flow via strategic partnerships with web2 incubators. Their strategy is to identify and onboard early-stage startups that could benefit from blockchain technology — opening up a whole new world of projects that investors can fund.

Second, Decubate is community-powered — investments and allocations will be decentralized, defined by their community of investors and builders.

Third, we’re aligned with Decubate’s vision to become a known “stamp of approval” for early-stage projects. Finding signals through all the project noise will elevate investor trust in the blockchain startup space.

Lastly, Decubate is a cross-chain product that enables projects and investors to raise funds and invest capital across multiple blockchains at once.

How it Works

Decubate is community-powered which is a key differentiator from their competitors.

Some perks of being a community member include:

  • Access to early-stage, differentiated projects before anyone else
  • Increased investment allocation for actively participating in the project incubation process
  • Voting rights on protocol and platform updates
  • Financial rewards — each transaction made on the platform will burn a portion of tokens, the rest will go entirely to the staking pool, not the Decubate team

Why We Invested?

At Master Ventures we are all about providing value to the crypto space and are constantly searching for ways to achieve this. Decubate’s values align with ours: Prioritize incubation process for digital startups so they are sustainable, credible, and successful.

The partnership between Decubate and Master Ventures is set to benefit everyone involved in the process — from MV Fuel incubations to projects launching their IDOs on Ignition. Decubate will present projects with strong fundamentals so our PAID community gets the chance to invest in revolutionary startups every time.

We believe that this journey will be successful and are working closely with Decubate as part of our FUEL incubation program where we liaise with the team to discuss ideas, provide valuable network-building opportunities alongside other consultancy services.

About Decubate

Decubate is a community-powered investment platform for early-stage blockchain projects.

To learn more about Decubate, check out:

Website: http://www.decubate.com

Telegram: https://t.me/decubate

Announcements: https://t.me/Decubateann

Twitter: https://twitter.com/decubate

Medium: http://decubate.medium.com

GitBook: https://decubate.gitbook.io/documentation

About Master Ventures

Master Ventures is a blockchain-focused venture studio, helping to build the next generation of blockchain-based Web 3.0 system innovations within the crypto industry. Launched in 2018 by Founder and CEO Kyle Chassé, the company’s ethos can best be summarized in the acronym #BeBOLD: Benevolent, Open, Love, Decentralized.

Master Ventures co-creates with entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide to turn the best ideas into innovative and disruptive products and solutions. They do this by investing as strategic partners through offering advisory services to the projects they believe in. To date, Master Ventures has invested in over 40 crypto projects including the likes of Kraken, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Reef, DAO Maker, Mantra DAO, Thorchain, and Elrond.

For any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on:

Website: Master.Ventures

Telegram: @MasterVentures

Twitter: @Master_Ventures

